We are happy to announce the release of HDFql 2.3.0!

This version includes:

Added support for writing/reading values into/from datasets/attributes from/into EXCEL files (with no EXCEL dependency or OLE automation) – thanks to Dmytro for sponsoring HDFql with a free LibXL license to handle EXCEL files.

Improved performance and memory footprint of a cursor populated with values from datasets/attributes of data type variable-length (e.g. given a dataset of data type VARINT of three dimensions [size 10x1024x1024] where each element has between 0 and 10 values, it is 2x faster and takes 3x less memory to populate a cursor with values from the dataset in comparison with the previous version of HDFql)

Improved performance of the Java wrapper when writing/reading values into/from datasets/attributes from/into memory (e.g. given a dataset of data type INT of three dimensions [size 100x1024x1024], it is 2x faster to write values from memory and 4x faster to read values into memory in comparison with the previous version of the wrapper)

Linked HDFqlCLI (command-line interface) against the readline static library (instead of the shared library) to avoid dependency issues when launching it in newer Linux and macOS versions – thanks to Quang (Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Canada) for testing it.

(Please check the release notes for further details)

For heads up on releases and the latest on HDFql, we welcome you to connect on twitter.com/hdfql